Friday, September 25, 2009

Pools = Dangerous

At 0700 this morning, Danny insisted on going into the pool. Never mind that the sun was barely up and the air temperature was in the 50s!
Note that "de lifeguard" is cold but attentive.

When it got sunny and beautiful this afternoon Danny was back at the pool. He managed to fall in the deep end, twice (100% submersion with life-threatening potential). Prompt extraction by the lifeguard prevented serious injury. It shook us up enough to go buy a personal flotation device that afternoon. Danny wore this wonderful device out of the store (like DadKV used to do with shoes) and again at home. He recounted the day's events.
"What did you see, Daddy?"
"What did you say to Mommy?"
"What was I doing, Daddy?"

"Did you see my head peek out, Daddy?"

"Was I over der, Daddy?"
"Did you see my arms and legs moving?"
"What happened next, Daddy?"
As MomHV was drying him off after the second time, he said, "Two times was cool, Mommy!"

At bedtime SHV told him, "get ready for another good day of vacation tomorrow."
"With no drownin, Mommy!"


Stacey said...

WHAT!?!?!? He fell in twice? I'm horrified.

Pete said...

WHAT!?!?!? GrandmaToko let you wear your new shoes out of the store? I'm aghast. Grambee made me wait, like, weeks.

This reminds me that I am envious of DadKV's swimming ability, and also that dude couldn't even swim until he was in college. So this early start, no matter how dangerous, bodes well for the future of HwkinsKV and ill for the records of Michael Phelps.