While big brother was burning off some energy outside, Li-li discovered the joy of chasing poor old Suki around the house.
After a while Aunt Molly had to intervene so Suki could get some peace.
Once Sandma got distracted by preparing dinner, DHV discovered the joys of watching Uncle Paul blow great big bubbles.
And Leigh wowed us all with her new peekaboo skills.
Soccer is a better sport than Football.
You can say that again - at least concerning safety. Music lessons are even safer.
"Soccer" is better than "football"?
Somewhere in South Africa, the head of FIFA is choking on his own vomit.
Sandma Steffie appears to have some pretty serious speed. I like it when grandparents dont' let grandchildren win. If possible, could we have an interview regarding soccer strategy with this player?
Also, strong peek-a-bo0, Leigh.
I have some concerns about closed head injury in children after heading a soccer ball.
Ichi can't wait to meet Leigh!
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