Thursday, August 19, 2010


Stay up a little late watching the Phillies top the Giants, Surviving the Cut "Ranger School", and World Extreme Cagefighting on Vs? After turning on the dishwasher and alarm, the logical next step is to photograph the rest of the family while they sleep.


Pete said...

This is creepy. Especially that SHV posted it. I like it.

Anonymous said...

co-sleeping? I like how the rest of the Vinings have followed in my much maligned footsteps.

Maggie, the proud co-sleeper

SHV said...

Yes, co-sleeping. I swore I'd never do it but after weeks of sleeping in a rocking chair I caved. This is a very strong-willed child. Or perhaps it's just that I have been weakened by her older siblings. Who knows. I have to admit though that she is a pretty sweet little cuddler.