At Christmas Eve dinner, DHV concentrated on drooling on his snowman sweater while cousin Kaiya modeled her dress.

Christmas morning and another snow-themed outfit for DHV.

HusbandKV finds that the bumbo can serve as a helmet when the need arises. Believe me, the need arose.

Even without his glasses on, Grandpa Lee can tell this is a Polo shirt.

DHV is cute.

DHV gets some Vanderbilt scrubs from Aunt Molly.

Another outfit! But DHV makes it look good in a bumbo!

Finally, Christmas winds down in Haddonfield.

Professional trespasser, writer, and filmmaker Uncle Arthur and pregnant Aunt MAV laugh it up. Little do they know that their own bundle of joy is planning her imminent escape.

Professional professor, writer, and screenwriter Uncle Pete and Aunt ERV try to act like they're too cool for a baby.

Aunt ERV needs some practice with the baby holding. Uncle Trespasser needs to get his hairy head out of the way.

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