DHV did pretty well on the flights out there. Much to his parents' relief he was not that crying baby on the plane... but he didn't sleep either. That made for a lot of work for Mommy and Daddy. Here he is at one of his calmer moments, pretending he likes his pacifier.

DHV got up bright and early the next morning and took over the Nehalem living room.

We ventured out for our first restaurant experience with DHV while in Portland.

He discovered that menus are very good for chewing on.

Aunt ERV keeps her house really cold. HusbandKV developed a love for the balaclava.

Here's DHV warming up in the sunshine with Uncle Pete.

We took advantage of the one warm, sunny day to hit the Portland Zoo.

DHV saw some real live monkeys. This one is displaying his tender parts for us.

Then we drove around for a while...

...until he fell asleep.

Aunt ERV took advantage of the opportunity to practice using her new stroller.

DHV really enjoyed his first baby swing.

Then we all headed out to the Oregon Coast for a couple of days where DHV discovered the ocean.

Aunt ERV was looking ready to pop! There was also a lot of moaning and clutching of the belly while walking.

DHV hit the bottle for the first time at our bangin' oceanfront rental.

The walk-through tunnels at the aquarium were a big hit with the little guy.

DHV chowed down on some butternut squash at the Rogue Brewery. He's getting good at this eating out thing!

DHV did his best impression of Junior Soprano. Or maybe Ali G. It's hard to know.

DHV did pretty well on the red-eye flights home. Here he slept peacefully in Daddy's arms during the 4 am layover in Chicago.

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