There was also some swinging at the playdate. Ladies always like a bare belly and a diaper.

Cousin Kaiya fed DHV his entire dinner. Uncle Dana carefully observed through his freshly procured shades. Wearing sunglasses indoors is typically associated with latent psychiatric disease; Uncle Dana had no comment on this subject.

Then Uncle Dana held him for the first time. Mommy took this picture right before DHV burst into tears... we think it might be those big scary sunglasses.

He was a little more comfortable with Cousin Kaiya, who is much friendlier looking.

Here's DHV experiencing grass (not the Uncle Trespasser kind) for the very first time. At this moment, however, he was more interested in what Suki (the black lab) was doing at the other side of the yard.

DHV and mommy took a ride up to New Haven to show Grandpa Lee the new house, stopping to eat at Claire's and snap this obligatory photo outside a Trumbull-like structure. Bonus points to anyone who can figure out which college this actually is.

Back at the house, DHV actually paid attention to the funny green stuff this time.

Here he is having a ball with Grandpa Lee. Although we don't have documentation of it, DHV really liked getting his hands on that hairy beard.

And finally, on the way home DHV got to spend some quality time with Grandparent Lindy in Manhattan. Here he is showing her how to properly chew on one's stroller straps.

Meanwhile, back in Philly, the people keep getting shot. Some idiot carjacked someone in University City, then managed to get himself shot in a HUP parking lot (see link). HusbandKV badgered Crawford Mechem to take him to the range to shot up some paper silhouettes. This orange one got a few warning shots past the ears.

We're not sure what all the Ks and D's stand for on this one, but that red circle in the middle is pretty obvious.

1 comment:
Ah, what a beautiful junket that was. He's such an east coast traveler, man. I too would hesitate about letting an inside-sunglasses-wearer hold me. Davenport? Meanwhile, I'm relieved that DKV is getting locked and loaded, as I'd hate for DHV to lack adequate protection.
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