Friday, April 20, 2007

April 2007: House Inspection

Here's our soon to be house in CT. Nothing like a slate roof to get the anxiety going.

Here's Drooly McDrool taking over the TV room in a house that isn't his.

This bangin kitchen, and everything else, will soon be belong to Commerce Bank, and we will belong to Commerce.

Check it out: just a mile from work and blocks from the Yale Bowl. Sign up early for post-Game reservations. WifeHV has used her security council veto powers on the Kegerator.


arthur and maggie said...

Hey we just read the whole blog while waiting for our red-eye flight home in the PDX airport. Excellent!Maggie thinks DKV must have stolen some ritalin from work in order to complete this monumental task in one fell swoop. Elsie enjoyed everything too, as best she could. I'm just hoping not to get "pinched" when I get back to NY ("pinched" is the term us ex-cons call use for "get arrested").

Sungopolis said...

Great googly-moogly! No sooner do I post my first comment then I turn around and realize I have much more reading to do. Not since I first got Elsie's blog have I spent so much time staring at so much Vining cuteness. Which reminds me that I had better start commenting on Elsie's blog so she doesn't feel left out - although she doesn't even know who the heck I am. Ella, who the heck am I? Fill us in..

Pete said...

BANGIN! Whoa, that's a lot to digest. But I can do it. I am so impressed that you all managed to have this fun without getting arrested. You're setting a good example, WifeHV and HusbandDV, for DKV.

Pete said...

I meant you're setting a good example for DHV, not DKV; that made no sense at all--about as much sense as posting like seven months all together and then just sitting on one's hands, brotha.