Grandpa Lee looked like he never saw a baby before.

Grandma V and Aunt MAV stopped by with food. MAV was incubating cousin Elsie at the time.

DHV faked us out with lots of sleeping, the perfect angelic baby.

Friends Courtney and Eric stopped by. Eric helped me eat an enormous fruit bouquet. Our med school friend Anu was shocked that we let Eric handle the baby.

Grandparent Lindy helped us out with food and baby holding.

DHV made a funny face and didn't do it again for months.

Eagles Gameday! Everybody got in their gear, and DHV slept the whole time.

DHV was still in his fake-out angel phase.

After his first bath DHV was none-too-happy.

But he settled down enough to pose for a trophy shot in Great-Uncle Joe and Aunt Alice's chair.

Matt and Stacey came down on a weekend. Since Stacey Jo has a job, she can't just up and visit like some other people. There was a loud "tick tick" the whole time they were here.

He may practice diaper changes, but his dad is the one siring more offspring!

Finally DHV learned how to cry. Thus began one to two months of insanity.

At least DHV would quiet down in the bjorn. Here we are in the Wissahickon.

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