DHV learned to suck aggressively on a clementine.

Mommy took him for a walk on one of the first warm days in Philly.

We went back to Connecticut to look for a house. The Luce family let us crash with them yet again and Caroline even let DHV take over her exersaucer for a while. What a nice hostess!

On our second day of house-hunting we found "the one."

While in New Haven, we met up with good ole Vinnie at the Copper Kitchen. He handled DHV like a pro. Vinnie's trying to get into that whole professional writing thing.

Back in Philly, we got a preview of Spring and took advantage of it by having dinner in Rittenhouse Square. Notice the belly-baring chick in the background.... gotta love Philly!

DHV wore his dinner well.

And then Daddy got some chuckles out of him. Check out those new teeth!

Unfortunately it got cold again and we had to bundle DHV up in some warmer clothes. Here he is doing his Ali-G impersonation. Or maybe it's an old man wearing a beater and a robe.

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